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  This week we talked about how divorce or death can affect a family. Fortunately, I have not experienced divorce or death in my family (at least with my immediate family members). I feel so blessed to say that! But with that, I don’t feel very qualified to speak on these things. I have had friends with divorced parents and that’s about all the knowledge I have of being in those situations. So, I will do my best to share insights from my class from my teacher (and our studying) who has much more experience dealing with these things. Divorce and death will change a family forever. The culture will change. The routines will change. Nothing is ever the same after that. Divorce is something that we can have more control over how things change. One of my good friends growing up has divorced parents. Both of her parents are happily remarried now, but that has changed her family culture a lot. I think her parents divorced when she was pretty young. They have been divorced for as long ...

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